Tuesday 24 September 2013

2/4 Tuesday: FREE Smartboard Rhythms and a Cool Resource!

Welcome back to the 2/4 Tuesday Linky Party!
Yet again I only have 2 things to share!

1. Canoe Song (good for teaching ti-ta-ti, or syn-co-pa) FREE interactive activities
I thought I would share my new and improved Smart notebook file of Canoe song! I use this song with my grade fours to teach ti-ta-ti. We learn the melody and identify the new rhythm and also learn to play the melody for the first time (we played harmony only prior to this). HERE are the slides from the Smart notebook file.

For the first two slides I work with my students to match the proper rhythms with the words to our song.

The second slide is a replica of the worksheets I have my students fill out. They match the rhythm box according to the words of the song and then copy out the rhythm above the words.

After filling out our rhythms independently, we start figuring out the melody of the song on the barred instruments. I cover up the measures and remove them as we go to keep the students focused and to avoid them feeling overwhelmed.

This slide has the completed melody but is still covered up in order to isolate measures as we need.

Hope this helps you with Canoe song! 

2. Criss-Cross Apple Sauce, for teaching ta and ti-ti
I have been using this poem for the last five years (thanks to a former teaching partner) in order to teach ta and ti-ti to my grade ones. They love the poem and they way we use high, medium and low voices. It is fabulous! You can find the poem in this great resource by Doug Goodkin. 
Buy Intery Mintery HERE.

I hope these two ideas are helpful!

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