Sunday, 16 March 2014

Hockey Recorder Centre- FREEBIE!

I put together an olympic centre rotation for my grade 4-6 Music classes when the Olympics were going on. I would like to share my Hockey Match up Centre with you! For FREE! 

Some teachers are so good at making things look good digitally and create such wonderful things that I end up buying on TpT, but I am NOT one of them. Some (not all!) of my documents have clipart that ends up being fuzzy or not quite right, so I would never ask anyone to pay for the resources I make!

HERE are the instructions for the centre.

You can find the centre pieces HERE. 

Hope your kids enjoy it as much as mine did!


  1. Hi Steph, this is great! I may have missed this because whenever I try to download the center pieces, it just takes me to my Google Drive and doesn't actually download anything. Am I doing something wrong?

  2. Really excited to use this but I haven't been able to download the center pieces either. Help?

  3. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Love the way magnificently every word is composed with legitimate adjust.
